&hint1=I am located in Java, Indonesia& &hint2=I was completed in the late 8th century& &hint3=I was begun as a small Hindu shrine& &hint4=I became an elaborate Buddhist pilgrimage site& &choices=Aerial view of Borobudur, Java, Indonesia;Cleopatra's Needle, Thames Embankment, London;View of top level of Borobudur, Java, Indonesia;The citadel and palace complex of Sargon II;Sphinx and Pyramid of Khafre;Angkor Wat, Cambodia& &answer=Aerial view of Borobudur, Java, Indonesia& &search=Aerial Borobudur& &title=Aerial view of Borobudur, Java, Indonesia& &artist=& &medium=& &date=late 8th century& &location=Java, Indonesia& &dimensions=&